Yankee – modern, professional manufacturer

Yankee Company manufactures power supplies for guitar effects since 1999. Earned experience, continuous improvement of the technological process and using of the finest electronic components ensures that our power supplies are the highest quality products. We believe that they meet the current demands of your effects by ensuring their reliability and great sound (without unnecessary noise, humming, etc.)


Our main facility is located in Poznan. Here we develop and improove Our products, from here we are also sending power supplies to the customers in Poland and abroad. We are proud of the growing cooperation with distributors in Europe, USA and even in Australia.
We invite you to get acquainted with our offer and use our experience to improve your music so it could give you and your audience more joy and satisfaction.

Tomasz Jankowski

(Chief of Design and Innovation department)




Inteligentny Rozwój
oś priorytetowa 2 Wsparcie otoczenia i potencjału przedsiębiorstw do
prowadzenia działalności B+R+I
działanie 2.3 Proinnowacyjne usługi dla przedsiębiorstw
poddziałanie 2.3.5 Design dla przedsiębiorców
Dostępność Plus